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Urban Forestry


Pursuant to the CONSERVATION (525 ILCS 15/) Illinois Forestry Development Act, the Urban and Community Forestry Committee is a committee of the Forestry Development Council.  Therefore, all actions shall fit within the framework of the committee By-Laws and Council’s Mission/Function.


The Illinois Urban and Community Forestry Committee represents and works to support urban and community forestry throughout the State of Illinois.  This includes visioning for the future of urban and community forestry in Illinois - it’s funding and grant programs, it’s level of program support, and the application of the state Forest Action Plan goals and objectives. As a committee of the Illinois Forestry Development Council, the Committee’s charge is to help the Council identify and evaluate the social, economic, scientific, and educational value of Illinois’s urban and community forest lands and associated wood utilization opportunities.


The Urban and Community Forestry Committee work on projects and issues related to urban and community forestry and report the finding to the Illinois Forestry Development Council.


Pursuant to the USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry (UCF) Program Guidelines, established by Section 9, Urban and Community Forestry Assistance, of the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act (CFAA) of 1978 (PL 95-313), as amended by PL 101-6241, this committee serves as an urban and community forestry council for purposes of the State’s core program requirements.


The Urban and Community Forestry Committee’s charge is to help the Forestry Development Council identify and evaluate the social, economic, scientific, and educational value of Illinois’s urban and community forest lands and associated wood utilization opportunities.

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